Mayor's Message for April 23rd, 2021

Haslam Farmland Conservation Easement

High gusty winds persist, so be careful to avoid fire or tree damage. However, take a moment to enjoy the lilac bushes which are blooming all over town.

Wonderful news this week. Commander Tanya Lattin is New Mexico Emergency Manager of the Year! Commander Lattin, nominated by her peers, received her well-deserved award from the New Mexico Association of Emergency Management Professionals. She says she was completely surprised, but we are not. Commander Lattin works tirelessly to provide services like our vaccine clinics and vaccinations for homebound and difficult to reach. Honest and straightforward, she is a trusted voice in our community. So, if you are vaccine hesitant or know someone who is, please reach out to her. (TLattin [at]

Sandoval County is still yellow (upside: we didn’t go backwards like 9 other counties). People are out and about and may not be remembering the PHO guidelines. Yellow means gatherings of 10 or less, wearing masks and staying 6 feet apart. At least 5 of the 10 most impacted zip codes are near Corrales (  However, the state is looking to include vaccination data so more populous counties such as ours can move into green or turquoise (another reason to boost our vaccination rates). Dr. Scrase, the New Mexico Secretary for Human Services concludes we can get there no later than the end of May if we stay the course. Frustrating? Absolutely! But a healthy and fully open Corrales is worth it.

The Corrales Police Department deserves our appreciation. CPD strives to use modern, community-based policing methods. And it works. Corrales is once again one of the safest places to live in New Mexico. Thank you.

After many months of persistent effort (thank you Village Clerk Aaron Gjullin), the Village now has new (and improved) phone service! Sounds simple, but if you’ve ever tried to upgrade your telecommunication services, you know better. Please be patient as we make this transition. If you run into an issue, email agjullin [at] so we can address it!

Who’s that gardening in La Entrada Park? None other than the Corrales Gardeners (many of whom are Master Gardeners) and they are beautifying the area close to the Library and Veteran’s Memorial. Thank you so much!

Yet another community shout is due to volunteers from the Corrales Historical Society. From now until April 30, they’ll be working to repair and replace the Old Church flooring.

Earth Day reminded me that local efforts do make a difference. Corrales offered an alternative to the millions of farm/open acres lost every year, mostly to development. Motivated by a strong commitment to our agricultural heritage and rural ambience, Corrales (you) overwhelmingly passed a bond to fund preservation of farmland/open space. The first completed project is featured as a conservancy success story in the 2020 New Mexico Land Conservancy Annual Report ( Stacia Sprague’s breathtaking photograph above shows why. More projects are on the horizon, but the process of finding, explaining and funding a conservation easement is not easy. I’m working to carry out your wishes, fully expend the bond monies and preserve more acreage. Much of the credit for lots of hard work goes to the Farmland Commission and the Village Administration. These combined efforts, plus ultimate approval by the Governing Body, is turning your vision for more farm/open space into reality.

Plans are underway to recognize Corrales’ 50 years as an incorporated Village. We will develop a Corrales page for folks to submit their stories and memories. The Village will honor those who have served on the Council, as Mayor and on Boards and Commissions. The Archives Committee of Corrales Historical Society will put together a photo display. We’d like to find a way to showcase Corrales-based art, written and visual. Also, did you know we buried a time capsule years ago outside Village Hall ? We will be unearthing and replacing it. The Village wants an in-person party in December. Please stay tuned for details and ways you can participate.

The Corrales Village Council meets this Tuesday April 27 at 6:30. Please check the website later today for an Agenda and public packet. The public is always encouraged to attend.

It may be 80 degrees on Sunday! Between winds and a slight chance of rain, there’s still time to get out on our trails and to safely patronize our local businesses. This weekend, the Corrales Grower’s Market really will start weekly markets through November 7th. Check it out this Sunday from 9-12. Gather some local treats – maybe for watching the Academy Awards -maybe not. Whatever you choose to do, please stay safe and enjoy yourselves, Corrales-style.

Jo Anne Roake

Mayor of Corrales