Mayor's Message for April 8th, 2022

Corrales Road

Once again, we seemed to be blessed with a diversity of weather. Climate change? Be patient about planting starts, as we could still have a late freeze. Here's what the Farmer's Almanac has to say about when to If you don't have a green thumb but would still like to enjoy locally-grown produce, the regular season of the Grower’s market will start Sunday, April 24, 9 AM until 12 noon.

Events continue in Corrales, including the Corrales Historical Society's Speaker Series. On April 24th at 2 pm, Chuck Hornung will be at the Historic Old San Ysidro Church presenting "The Four Legged Bootlegger: A Tale of New Mexico State Mounted Police." The event is free to the public. You can check out all their upcoming events here: 

Corrales MainStreet also has some great events this month. Saturday, April 9 from 10 am to 4 pm and Sunday, April 10 from 10 am to 2 pm, check out An Exhibition of Sculpture presented by Corrales Historical Society and UNM at the Historic Old San Ysidro Church. Free to the public. Check MainStreet's calendar for more great events.

The Corrales Library has lots going on this month, including a celebration of National Poetry Month with the Blackout Poetry for teens; Chess Club, Teen Stitch Club, and Tuesday Tech Classes every Tuesday; Spanish Conversation on Thursday nights; and Story Time for kids at 10 am on Wednesdays. You can find more activities through their events calendar.

Don't forget the Annual Corrales Egg Hunt is April 16 at 10 am in La Entrada Park for those 8 and under, sponsored by the Corrales Kiwanis Club

The Spring Bicycle Fair is planned for April 30, from 10 am to 12 noon at the Corrales Recreation Center. There will be prizes, booths dedicated to bike safety, and clinics for bike repair. Sponsored by the Corrales Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission.

Also be sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, April 309 am to 3 pm, for Mud, Sweat, & Cheers mudding day and spring spruce-up at the Historic Old San Ysidro Church.

Covid boosters are still available for those individuals over 50. Registration for boosters is through Commander Tanya Lattin can also help with registration. Call her at 505-702-4182 for assistance or with questions.The Village website still has information for Covid-19 resources

We have water in the ditches! The MRGCD did an excellent job getting the pumps functional at the Corrales Siphon to bring much needed water to Corrales. These first few days they will be flushing the system, so irrigation should be able to start sometime in the next week. Visit the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District's website for more information

The first meeting of the recently elected village officials will be April 12 at 6:30 pm. It will be hybrid format, ZOOM and in-person, for those who wish to attend or just observe. Agenda and meeting information can be found.

Jim Fahey

Corrales Mayor