Mayor's Message for August 26th, 2022

National Dog Day

Today is National Dog Day. 69 million households in the US include at least one dog. National Dog was was established in 2004 by pet & family lifestyle advocate Colleen Paige. The aim of this day is to raise awareness of adopting dogs currently in rescue centers. There are many benefits to having a canine family member.  You can read all about it here: blog-health-benefits-dogs

On Wednesday morning, August 31, staking of clear sight triangles at 10 sites along Meadowlark west of Loma Larga will be done by the village public works in conjunction with the village engineer. This a necessary part of the Meadowlark Trail that has been in the works probably since the last century (just kidding). This is necessary so drivers exiting the properties along Meadowlark can see pedestrians and bicycle riders coming or going, a public safety issue. Staff will place these markers only in the Village owned right-of-way, not on any personal property.

We in the village are so fortunate to have Anthony Martinez, our Fire Chief, and Tanya Lattin, our Fire Commander and disaster response coordinator, working for our community. This past week, Chief Martinez ran a large animal rescue program for the surrounding communities as well as Corrales, co-sponsored by CHAMP, at Top Form Arena. All parties learned a great deal and the village hopes to continue this on an annual basis, given that we have a lot of large animals. Commander Lattin is working hard to keep the community safe from the increasing varieties of infectious diseases that seem to be raising their ugly heads after many years of suppression in addition to the recent bad actors (Covid varieties).

Let me remind everyone about the Corrales Harvest Festival is September 24 and 25th, and they need volunteers. You can sign up to volunteer at:


This Saturday, August 27th from 8-10 AM the Bosque Commission is holding a Ravenna grass seed head removal in the willow swale at mile marker 1.0 in the bosquePark at Andrews Ln or Cabezon and there will be signs on the levee to the site.  Please wear a hat, long sleeves, gloves, and bring water and hand pruners.  Bags will be provided. Let's get rid of this noxious weed!  

The Corrales Arts Center is sponsoring “An Introduction to Opera – ‘Le Loup Garou’” Friday, September 2nd,  from 3:30 – 6:30 PM at the Corrales Senior Center. Admission is FREE but registration is required.

First Sunday in the Village, Sponsored by Corrales MainStreet will be Sunday, September 4th, throughout the Village from 10 AM to 4 PM.

Village administration offices will be closed Monday, September 5thin observance of Labor Day.

Music in Corrales will be hosting jazz vocalist Alicia Olatuja in concert Saturday, September 10th at 5:30 PM at La Entrada Park.  Tickets can be purchased at

The Corrales Bike and Wine Tour takes place September 17th and 18th  beginning at 10 AM each day. Bikers will visit Acequia Winery, Pasando Tiempo Winery and Corrales Winery. Tickets can be purchased online by searching for Corrales Bike and Wine Tour or at this link:

The Corrales Ditch Run takes place September 18th.  Start times will vary based on the length of the run. More information can be found by searching for Corrales Ditch Run online or at the following link:

Jim Fahey

Corrales Mayor

Now a brief note from the Corrales Historical Society:

Dear Friend,

I am writing to you today to let you know about the opportunities for volunteering and getting more deeply involved with Corrales Historical Society. As you know, CHS is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to the preservation and maintenance of the historic Old San Ysidro Church. This beautiful and iconic 154-year-old church stands as a testament to the dedication of many volunteers over the past 50 years.

What do the volunteers do? Through our Archives Committee, we are engaged in identifying, preserving, and making available historical documents, photos and artifacts relating to the history of Corrales. Through our Speaker's Series and annual events like Heritage Day, Harvest Festival, the Fine Arts and Winter Craft shows, and the Festival of the Nativities, we share insights and access to the history and culture of our community. Our Docents provide tours of the Old Church as well as staffing assistance for all our programming throughout the year I encourage you to visit the website to review the many activities available for your participation.

The CHS is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, two Directors at Large, and the chairs of seven standing committees. In addition, there are eight special committees providing advice and assistance to the Board and the membership. A listing of the officers and committees can be found on the website at; click on "contact us." Volunteering for a leadership position on the Board provides you with the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of the history of our community, work with some extraordinary Village residents, and help carry on the important, educational mission of CHS.

If you are interested in joining me and the other volunteers of CHS, please contact me.

Thank you,

John McCandless, CHS President

chspresident [at]

Vaccinated on a horse

Fire Chief Anthony Martinez and Fire Commander Tanya Lattin vaccinate a Corrales resident at a drive-thru vaccine clinic.

Tanya vaccination clinic

Fire Commander Tanya Lattin has been working hard to keep Corraleños safe while still maintaining her other duties for the fire department.

Fire Chief

Fire Chief Anthony Martinez observes during the large animal rescue training held this past week and co-sponsored by CHAMP