Mayor's Message for December 4th, 2020

Snowy Sculpture

Picture perfect snowfall on Wednesday. Here for a morning and then gone. . Cold temperatures will continue through this weekend, so take care of yourselves and your animals.

COVID-19 update. New Mexico has moved to a three-tier system of red, yellow and green. County is red because both our case count (104 per 100,000) and our positivity rate (15.6%) are high. However, if we could get either less than 8 cases per 100,000 or a positivity rate of less than 5%, we move to Yellow. Testing may be the answer, since the more we get tested, the lower the positivity rate is likely to be. Rio Rancho now has a Curative test site, where you can get a fast, free and painless swab. Help Sandoval get to yellow by getting tested; register at Think of it as a field trip…

But, please continue to stay home if you can. Avoid standing in the cold to get into a grocery store by arranging for pick-up or delivery of needed items. Make the safest possible choices if you do go out. Just be MAD (mask, avoid groups of more than 5, and social distance).

Still need your flu shot? Get one free at the drive-through vaccination clinic on December 9 from 2-3:30 pm at 1500 Idalia Road, Bernalillo. Register at Questions? Call 505-867-2291x1709. 

The Youth “2020 I Love to Write Poetry” contest was a big success. Hannah Opel and Annalisa Ortiz have lovely observations about what “Life in New Mexico is…” Read both their fine poems in the December 5 issue of the Corrales Comment. They can also be found of the Library website ( Thanks to Melisa Chandler, Youth Services Librarian, and Rudy Miera, Corrales Poet Laureate, for organizing the event.

Village news. Public Safety Bond monies have gotten the Corrales Fire Department a new Tender, which allows transport of water to a fire scene. The old tender will go to good use at the Public Works Department. Next week, the new air cleaning system arrives in the Village and safer flooring will be installed.

New CARES act grant money for small businesses is available. The application period is short (December 7-18), but the New Mexico Finance Authority is working hard to help you. Don’t assume you won’t qualify. Please go to and click on the “Small Business CARES Relief Grants: Click to Learn More” button.

Participate in the Holidaze auction until December 12th at 5 pm. New items are put up every day and proceeds benefit MainStreet and the Corrales Art Center. Buy some lovely holiday cards through the Corrales Historical Society. To reserve your order, email CHSMarketing [at] View a montage of the Annual Nativities Show at The Santa Fe Opera Winter Concert, usually held in the Old Church, will be available via the Santa Fe Opera’s You Tube channel from December 6 at 3pm onward. Free.

Our local hero shout-out goes to Corrales couple Dana and Chad Akenhead not only for their Pay-What-You Can Christmas tree lot (next to Ex Novo Brewery), but also for then giving 100% of the proceeds to local businesses.  The Akenheads hope “it will help just a little bit with all the layoffs and unemployment and people [] struggling right now, especially small businesses.” Kudos to you both!

Commander Tanya Lattin says there has been “amazing support” from the community for annual giving of food and clothing items. Interested? Contact Commander Lattin at 702-4182 or email her at tlattin [at] Together, we will make it a happy holiday season for our whole town.

The Village is creating a special spotlight on the web to connect you to local businesses. It will give you the information you need to safely purchase their goods and services. SHOP LOCAL! It will be located under the "I'm Look For" tab soon.

Zoom into the Village Council Meeting next Tuesday, December 8, at 6:30. The Agenda and public packet will be available today.

This year, you can see River of Lights sculptures from the comfort and safety of your car, as many of them will be displayed in store fronts along Central Avenue from 5-9 every night in December.

Corrales will have a twinkling holiday display of its own.  From December 18-28, enjoy the lighted display as you drive past the Recreation Center on Corrales Road. Thanks go to Lynn Siverts and Sandy Rasmussen for pulling this piece of holiday cheer together!

This weekend, please stay safe and warm. All of us are adapting to the current conditions. Lucky for us, we get to do it Corrales-style.

Jo Anne Roake

Mayor of Corrales