Mayor's Message for February 17, 2023

Snowy Sandias

Don’t you just love this moisture? Did you have a great Valentine’s Day?

Traffic and speed limits have always been an issue in the Village - or at least for the last 25 years (as long as I have been here). We have traffic because people live here or are trying to get someplace or are passing through because we have a lovely community. Maybe they want to buy some thing or eat or drink at some place. Regardless, they will drive down a street where someone lives who may be unhappy with the traffic in or near their neighborhood. There will also be the occasional speeder, who more often than not, is a neighbor. Possibly, someone who complains about traffic and speeding in their neighborhood. C’mon guys, look out for your neighbors, honor the posted speed limits, and do positive things for the community. Volunteer for a committee, the library, the old church, ViV, get involved as much or as little as you want, time permitting. There are intermittently openings on standing committees for replacements when people change a job, get tired, or move. Find one that sounds interesting, visit the clerk’s office or get an application online and apply.

We are making progress with the ACE (Arts, Community, & Education) center plan. Mitigation of the hazardous material in the old Jones house has started. Once the contractor is sure all is gone demolition will ensue. Once the house is gone, we will be able to show a footprint of the proposed structure on the property. Because of the estimated price of the ultimate structure, construction may have to be phased so that perhaps it could be available for certain activities when still a shell. Keep an eye out in the coming months for more information on this project.

Upcoming events:

Friday, February 17th – “Ordinary ElephantAmerica’s finest folk duo perform at the Old San Ysidro Church @ 7:30 pm for more information please visit:

Saturday, February 18th – “Tommy & Saundra O’Sullivanworld-class traditional music from Dingle, Ireland @ 7:30 pm at the Old San Ysidro Church.

Sunday, February 19th – “The Mexican Period 1821-1848” speaker series by Leslie Kim at the Historic Old San Ysidro Church @ 2 pm – This is a FREE event that is open to the public.

Monday, February 20th – President’s Day – Village offices will be OPEN.

Tuesday, February 21st – Appeal Hearing to decide the fate of the Village Administration Complex Site Development Plan in the council chambers at the courthouse @ 6:00 pm.

Wednesday, February 22nd – Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.

Friday, February 24th – “Peter Mulvey” singer-songwriter will perform at the Old San Ysidro Church @ 7:30 pm – tickets are available online at

Tuesday, February 28th – Regular Council Meeting in the council chambers at the courthouse @ 6:30 pm.


On Thu. 02/09 a resident reported that her financial institution advised her that an account had been opened (as well as a loan taken out) in her name out-of-state. The reporting party does not know how or when her data had been compromised, but remember to safeguard your personal / financial information both on paper and online, shred unneeded sensitive documents, monitor your accounts, consider placing a freeze on your credit and visit the FTC web site for additional information concerning identity theft:

Also on Thu. 02/09 First Responders were dispatched to the area of Cabezon and Corrales RD in reference to an automated crash detection alert from a cell phone. No collision was discovered, and the owner of the phone was found to be okay and advised that the device (which was later found damaged on the side of the road) must have been lost or stolen and discarded in the area where it triggered the alert.

On Sun. 02/12 a report was filed concerning property being stolen from a vacant residence on the 5800 block of Corrales RD. Do not leave valuables behind at unoccupied premises and be sure to keep security measures in place until you’ve transferred ownership.

At about 4:30PM on Sun. 02/12 police were advised that an unknown male broke the window out of a vehicle parked on Uva RD, stole items from within and fled in a dark-colored car (no further descriptions of the suspect or vehicle are available).

Please call CPD at 505-891-7226 to report suspicious people / vehicles prowling around your neighborhood.



Sagebrush between Corrales Road and Loma Larga, will be closed starting Monday, February 20th through Monday, March 6th to replace a damaged culvert. Please find an alternate route for your commute during this time.


Remember, Covid is still lurking. Get your shots, wear masks in a crowd, wash your hands frequently, socially distance from others when you can. The Village website has a whole section of information on Covid to answer questions you may have about the virus.

Stay safe, stay healthy, look out for your neighbors. Visit the Village website at to get all the latest information on committee meetings, road closures, and news affecting the Village. If you see something out of the ordinary, report it.

Jim Fahey

Corrales Mayor