Mayor's Message for July 16th, 2021

Polinator Garden

This week had some beautiful summer days but we got California wildfire smoke as well. It is hot and dry so stay hydrated, limit exposure to the sun, especially when air quality is lower, and follow the CFD’s instructions about fire safety.

Be prepared for an emergency! CHAMP (Corrales Horse and Mule People) has organized a free event at the Sandia Christian Academy gymnasium, 24 Academy Drive on July 19th at 6:30 pm. Fire Commander Tanya Lattin and others will teach you how to safeguard yourself and your animals by preparing your own plan and emergency kit. As Janet Blair of CEAC says, “Our evacuation plan is a good one, and we should be able to protect Village residents and animals as long as everyone is familiar with it.”

The drawing for John Perea’s haircut is tomorrow at 2 pm at Perea’s Restaurant. Don’t miss the fun! All proceeds benefit the Corrales Fire Department.

COVID-19 update. According to the New Mexico Department of Health’s Wednesday briefing, cases have risen slightly but our high vaccination rate has so far kept the increase pretty low. If you are unvaccinated, you are at risk. Unvaccinated people account for 98% of all deaths and 96% of all cases since February. Get vaccinated, but if you don’t have your shots, wear a mask. If you are vaccinated, please take a mask with you and wear it in crowded or unfamiliar settings. Let’s work together to avoid the big surges that are happening in other states. Keep Corrales and New Mexico healthy.

The Interior Drain Committee is putting together a survey to gauge interest in some of their ideas for that area of town. Look soon for more information on the Village website.\

Corrales Road update. Cutler Repaving is still working hard. Currently they are up to the Harvey Jones Channel going northbound and up to Koontz Road going southbound. They are not milling or paving today in order to start to cleanup the shoulders.

Corrales and Los Ranchos share an agricultural heritage and we are working together to support each other. This month, participate in the Lavender Festival Passport program. Visit businesses, get a stamp and win prizes. Start at Corrales Teas & Chocolates (3923 Corrales Road Suite B) and enjoy 24 other businesses in Los Ranchos, including Big Jim Farms at 4515 Rio Grande Blvd, operated by Corrales’ own Jimmy Wagner. Also, learn more about the Agri-Nature Center by checking out the Agri-Nature Center’s Weekly Newsletter (see document below).

There will be a Village Council meeting next Tuesday, July 20 at 6:30 in the Council Chambers, but citizens can also call in to listen. The zoom instructions will be online, along with the public packet and the agenda. It promises to be a full evening.

This weekend temperatures remain in the 90’s. Good weather for getting out early and then heading to the Corrales Community Pool. Go shop our local Corrales stores and restaurants. Basketball fans can catch game # 5 (Bucks v. Suns) of the NBA Playoffs on Saturday night. Sunday, don’t forget the Corrales Growers’ Market from 9-12. No matter what you do, have fun and stay cool, Corrales-style.

Jo Anne Roake

Mayor of Corrales