Mayor's Message for July 31st, 2020

Sandia Mountains

Just when you thought there was nothing to smile about, you learn that today is both National Avocado Day and National Mutt Day. Let’s all enjoy some guacamole in the company of our furry Heinz-57 friends. Just remember to accompany same with a cool beverage to beat the heat.

The Corrales Bosque (open 5am to 9pm) is our treasure. Now, thanks to the Corrales Bosque Commission, doggie stations will grace entrances at Alameda, Cabezon, Andrews Lane, Coroval, East La Entrada, East Ella, Dixon, Romero and Siphon. We all thank dog owners who keep their animals on leash and dispose of dog waste appropriately. It makes this area work for everybody.

The Corrales Fire Department is going to re-open the gates at Siphon and Romero Roads. The Village knows the easier access will benefit those using the bosque areas. However, please do keep lanes open for emergency responders. 

Corrales loves its animals. Unfortunately, they can become prey to animal attacks. Please take precautions and keep your beloved animals safe. If you need help or advice, contact Corrales Animal Control at 898-0401. And when you do, congratulate them on their new home!

The COVID-19 public health order has been extended through August. Thirty more days: it’s like the movie “Groundhog Day” where Bill Murray wakes up every morning to…the same day! (check out the DVD at Corrales Community Library). Bill uses the time well and even finds love, so that’s some motivation. However, in real life, we all know this is a very challenging time. If you need help, or know someone who does, please call 1-855-NMCRISIS (662-4747). We must care for each other.

New Mexico has flattened the curve, but the daily case count is still too high. Corrales now has 32 cases. The less we travel, the more we stay safely apart, wear masks and wash our hands, the lower the rate of COVID-19. If you have COVID-19 symptoms – isolate yourself for 10 days; if you’ve been exposed to someone with COVID, quarantine for 14 days (97% get COVD within that time). Also, please cooperate with the Health Department. The more they know, the faster we can crush the virus and get back out there. Don’t we all want a brighter September with more openness and our kids safely back in school? LET’S GET THIS DONE!

Be counted! Go to www.2020CENSUS.GOV. Corrales is at 70.2%, well above the state average but we can do better. Federal resources are tied to population. If we undercount people, we lose. Want to help? The Census bureau is looking for volunteers to phone bank for them, weekdays, 10 am-6 pm. Contact Tanya Lattin at TLattin [at]

This weekend go outside for an early morning ride or stroll. There may even be a few more spots to enjoy – stay tuned for the governor’s update. The Corrales Growers’ Market is open from 9-12 on Sunday. Whatever you do, enjoy yourselves, Corrales-style.

Jo Anne Roake