Mayor's Message for June 26th, 2020

Tractor at Farmland

Mayor’s Message June 26, 2020

This week was Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year in what seems like the longest year of the decade. We still have our blissfully cool mornings; they make you (almost) want to get up at dawn. But the days are hot, so please take care of yourself and your animals. Hydrate!

Fourth of July is coming up. You can still join the Corrales Cruise-By event. Decorate your vehicle in positive and creative ways. Supportive spectators in vehicles will be cheering you on from the side of the parade route. It’s going to be an hour of fun and celebration.

Corrales has a new American flag flying at the Parks and Recreation Center, due to the generosity of  The Son's of the American Legion Squadron 69. Thank you so much.

Bad news: COVID19 cases are on the rise and Corrales is not immune (we’ve got 20 cases now). We are letting down our guard. We must wash our hands, limit going out, be safe when we do, not gather in groups of more than 5 and wear a mask. Masks are for public health, not politics. But, as the governor suggests, if you don’t agree with masks, write that on a mask and then wear it. Do this for all of us and really support the opening up of our businesses and services. Double down on COVID - we flattened the curve before and we can do it again. Please, let’s return to normal, not to lockdown.

Good news: the Corrales Community Library is expanding its curbside service to include some Saturday hours. New hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 12-3pm. Also, on Thursday, July 9, you can zoom into a virtual program called “A Jew, A Christian and a Muslim Walked Into a Library”(rescheduled from March). For details, go to:

This Sunday, visit the Corrales Growers’ Market from 9-12. Commander Lattin just might be handing out free special Corrales masks. Many thanks to Thierry at The Village  Printshop for this generous donation. Remember, it will be a blister this weekend, so get outdoors early, but whatever you do, enjoy yourselves, Corrales-style.

Jo Anne Roake