Mayor's Message for October 23rd, 2020

New Fire Bucket Truck

It looks like we are going straight from fall to winter if the predictions of cold weather early next week (snow?) prove correct. Harvest all those lingering vegetables and get out those winter jackets.

The Corrales Friends of the Library (FOCL) is doing great things. COVID made the book sale impossible this year, but FOCL has been giving books away all over town. FOCL is stocking Little Free Libraries (LFLs) around the Village. FOCL will deliver a free bag of books to your door if you want books for your LFL or are housebound. Contact FOCL at focl [at], message them on Facebook, or call  897-0733.  (Just leave them there for a few days for safety). All these great book give-aways mean book donations are needed. Please donate gently used kids’ books—from toddler to teen. Drop them off, or email focl [at] to arrange a library drop off time or contactless pick-up time at your home. But there’s more: FOCL is funding free Grab-n-Go craft and science kits starting Tuesday, October 27th.  Reserve your free kit by emailing melisa [at] or calling 897-0733. You may not know this, but FOCL greatly augments the library offerings, funding a wide range of programming and materials for our community. How? Through FOCL memberships, donations and gifts of books. Corrales Community Library is, after all, the “Library the People Built.” Remember: focl [at]  Thank you FOCL!

The Village has awarded $70,000 in CARES small business grants to all 13 businesses that have applied. There’s still CARES money available. The Village wants to help! Contact Tanya Lattin at tlattin [at] or call 505-702-4182.

The Corrales Fire Department (CFD) has been trying to make the Corrales Bosque safer by removing dead and down fuelwood. Some of this wood has been donated to those in need at several local pueblos. For full details, see Also, to help fight fires, the CFD has received a forestry truck which allows us to better serve the community. More details will follow. The recent spate of fires has heightened our need for vigilance in the bosque. It is a treasure but it must also be safe. 

COVID cases continue to spiral out of control. The new health order can be found on our website at To help us all make wise decisions, the New Mexico Environment Department is publishing a watchlist of businesses/places where 2 COVID cases have been reported. 4 instances will require closure for 2 weeks. However, the goal is to keep businesses open – you can use this list to support businesses staying COVID safe. The good news – Corrales has NO businesses on this watchlist – another testament to how hard our local folks are working to stay safe. Which means that you, as citizens, are also doing your part to keep others well. Still, we are seeking to up compliance even more. Mask Up Corrales and stay MAD by following the 3 basic directives: 1) WEAR A MASK 2) SOCIAL DISTANCE and 3) AVOID GATHERINGS OF MORE THAN 5. To help you do this, the Village is making free Corrales logo masks available Saturday to many businesses around town. Please pick up one and show your civic pride! Together, we will crush COVID. 

LOCAL HERO UPDATE! So far, we’ve got two nominations: Jeff Radford, editor of the Corrales Comment and Mary Davis, our resident historian and author. Both Jeff and Mary have contributed so much to our sense of community. High 5’s to you both. Please keep the nominations coming! Email agjullin [at]

Early voting continues at the Community Center, here at the Administration compound. It’s going well. In fact, it’s national EARLY VOTING DAY! You can still register in person. Your voice matters.

This Sunday visit the Corrales Growers Market, from 9-12. While the last warm weather is still with us, go out on our trails and byways (in a mask, with dogs on leash please). But whatever you do this weekend, stay safe and take care of each other, Corrales-style.

Jo Anne Roake

Mayor of Corrales