Mayor's Message for September 4th, 2020

dog station

Wow! Beautiful cool crisp mornings are with us. But it’s the last hurrah of summer so before a cold snap appears next week, prepare yourselves for three very hot days. 

Yes, it is Labor Day weekend, the traditional end of an untraditional summer. It’s also a big test for us. New Mexico is doing great. At 2.6%, we have the second lowest positivity rate in the United States. But...we could undo it all in a single weekend. We deserve to have some fun, so let’s do it Corrales-safely. Keep the parties small and outdoors; have folks bring their own food. Talk, sing and dance at safe distances and when you are not eating or drinking, mask up. Enjoy this holiday weekend but let’s avoid a big spike two weeks from now. Playing safely now will crush COVID-19. 

The Village has worked with the Albuquerque Public School District to bring an internet wifi bus to the back (west) parking lot of the Corrales Parks and Recreation Center at 500 Jones Road. It will be operating Monday through Friday, 8:30-3:30 and can give you needed internet access for school, help if you’re running out of data or just need a motivational change of study scene. There’s also a hot spot in the Corrales Community Library Parking lot at 84 West La Entrada, from 11-3 Tuesday through Saturday. Please spread the word. If you need assistance, contact Commander Lattin at: tlattin [at] or 505-702-4182. For a complete list of wi-fi access locations, see: I know everyone joins me in wishing every student a happy and safe return to school.

As always, the Corrales Bosque provides a place of refuge. Thanks to the Corrales Bosque Commission, there are dog refuse stations at the bosque entrances and in the sand dunes. This is just one more way we are making our Bosque cleaner and safer for everyone. Please remember - the leash and mask laws apply to everyone. 

The Fire Department will be beta-testing goats for Ravenna grass removal next week. I can’t wait to see the results. There’s also an opportunity for humans to help remove unwanted Ravenna grass seed. Meet tomorrow at 8:30 at the willow swale marker 1.0 across from Via Oreada. Park at Andrews Lane or the Cabezon Bosque entrance. Wear a hat and long sleeves and bring sunscreen, gloves, hand pruner and water. Seed heads will be carefully bagged and removed. Thank you Joan Hashimoto for organizing this event. 

Many thanks to John McCandless and local players for re-striping a second outdoor pickle ball court. It’s adjacent to the Skate Board Park at 500 Jones Road.

COVID-19 costs lives and money. The Village applied to the state for reimbursement under the CARES Act for COVID related expenses. The Village worked hard on the application and received about $350,000 to defray costs and salaries and $250,000 for future small business grants. These monies will help stabilize our budget and assist local businesses. Good work!

The election is November 3rd. For information about early voting and absentee ballots, please go to:

Tuesday, September 8 is the Corrales Council meeting at 6:30. The Agenda and public packet materials, along with information as to how you can join will be available this afternoon.…

This weekend enjoy the Corrales Growers Market, Sunday from 9-12. Hot and sunny, you can still enjoy our outdoor spaces and (small) backyard barbecues. Please have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend, Corrales-style. 

Jo Anne Roake
