Mayor's Message for September 8th, 2023

Chile roasting

Today, Friday, is Star Trek Day, pointed out to me by our office trekkie, Melanie Romero. Saturday is Wonderful Weirdoes Day, and Sunday is World Suicide Prevention Day. The State Fair also started this week, making for quite a weekend.

The nights are cool, the days less hot, and daylight is shorter. My chickens’ egg production is down, and they are going in to roost earlier. Autumn is scheduled to start September 23 so our cool season plants should be planted.

It’s almost time for the Balloon Fiesta. It will start October 7. We might see a few balloonists this year since we have more public open space they can use to land near Corrales Road and have good access to their equipment. There will be a special balloon glow on the morning of Saturday, October 14th during the annular eclipse. You can start planning your visit to the Fiesta now by visiting

There will be an update of the Comprehensive Plan Committee at the Tuesday council meeting, about 6:30 PM. Join in and listen to how it is coming along. Use the link here or go to the website and ZOOM in. The meeting ID and passcode can be found at the top of the meeting agenda. The Comprehensive Plan Committee is doing a truly comprehensive job and seems to be making good progress. Also, those citizens who have council elections in their districts can watch their representatives in action even though there is no alternative, since these councilors are unopposed in the next election. Even if the council position in your district is not up for election, we do have some bond questions that need your vote. You can read the resolution which includes how those questions will appear on the ballot.  The thing about ZOOM is that you can do it from the comfort of your house and sign off any time you want.

An inventory of the roads in the Village has been done and those that need striping or re-striping at 10-foot width have been identified. The administration will try to get funding to assist with that project. This is something that needs to be done regardless of the impact on the 10% to 15% who may go above the speed limit. Our police officers are making every effort to cover any perceived problem areas and deal with speeders. In my mind, it is more appropriate to deal with those offenders rather than punish the 85-90% who follow the law and honor the posted speed limits.

Preliminary engineering reports will be started soon for the sewage collector system and the fire suppression system for the Village. This will result in recommendations on how the Village should proceed and then we can move on to design of the systems. Input will be needed from the community as this will be a big undertaking that will take some time to finish and both projects will have positive impacts. The sewer line will protect our ground water from contamination and the fire suppression system to protect our community from an out-of-control fire.

The Growers’ Market is open Sundays and Wednesdays at 9 AM. There is good quantity and quality product available. Check their website before heading out


At about 1:30PM on Fri. 09/01 an unoccupied rental truck which had been reported stolen out of Aurora, CO was recovered near the intersection of Loma Larga and W. Meadowlark.

Thanks to the efforts of everyone who is taking steps to prevent crime in our area, no thefts or similar incidents were reported to the CPD during the past week. Your awesome Officers on the beat did respond to several disturbances and reports of suspicious activities, as well as conduct numerous traffic stops and security checks, in an effort at making the Village safer. Please keep calling those tips in to 505-891-7226 (9-1-1 for emergencies).



FREE Covid Home tests are still available at Village Hall, the Corrales Library, and the Fire Station. If you feel sick, please stay home, and wear a mask when traveling and in crowded areas. The Corrales Fire Department is holding vaccine drive-through clinics (including pediatric) for anyone who has never received a bi-valiant vaccine, and those that over 65 who have only had one bi-valiant vaccine.  Call Deputy Fire Chief Tanya Lattin at 505-702-4182 if you need help registering for a vaccine clinic.

We encourage everyone to download and use the free What3Words App It has been proven to be an invaluable tool to locate callers in the Bosque or who are just not sure where they are. It can also be utilized by family and friends when trying to locate each other at big events, such as a concert.


Tonight 9/8 – “Remembering the Future” digital installation by visual artists Michael Gienger and Alexander Sutulov opening 7 - 10 PM at the Historic Old San Ysidro Church. Admission is Free.

Saturday - “Remembering the Future” digital installation by visual artists Michael Gienger and Alexander Sutulov 10 AM – 10 PM Historic Old San Ysidro Church. Admission is Free.

Sunday - “Remembering the Future” digital installation by visual artists Michael Gienger and Alexander Sutulov 10 AM – 2 PM Historic Old San Ysidro Church. Admission is Free.

Sunday – Grower’s Market 9 AM – Noon

Wednesday – Grower’s Market 9 AM – Noon

Wednesday – Story Time at the Corrales Library – 10 AM

September 15 – New Mexico Wild Benefit Concert – A night of music and community benefitting NM Wilderness, Wildlife, and Water. 6:30 – 9:00 PM at Historic Old San Ysidro Church, Tickets are $10

September 16 – Music in Corrales presents Nosotros, latin music, at La Entrada Park 5 PM visit for ticket information

September 17 – Corrales Ditch Run – start time varies based on length of race. For more information, please visit

September 17 – Corrales Historical Society Speaker Series presents Robert Martines “Alabados, Alabanzas, Inditas & Corridos: The Enduring Hispanic Music of New Mexico” 2 PM at the Historic Old San Ysidro Church. Admission is FREE

Drive safely, honor the posted speed limits, look out for your neighbors, stay safe, and look both ways when crossing the street.

Jim Fahey

Mayor of Corrales