Mayor's Message for March 15th, 2024

Air Boat

The fire department has received the new airboat it ordered a few months ago from Diamondback Airboats. Deputy Chief of Operations Nick Molinari traveled to Florida back in February to inspect the boat and receive training. The next step is for the rest of the firefighters to receive training on use of the boat so it will be ready for use during the spring run off season. The boat is an additional tool the fire department will be able to use to rescue people from the river.

Many of you are aware that a significant number of employees have worked in the Village a long time. The Village presented plaques to several employees to commemorate their long service to the Village. Deputy Fire Chief Tanya Lattin was honored for 27 years of service to the Village, Deputy Chief of Operations Nick Molinari for 20 years, and Parks and Recreation Director Lynn Siverts for 26 years. Photos below are courtesy of Janet Blair.

The administration (that would be the Mayor, the Village Administrator, and the Village Clerk) did a walk through this week of the Wells Fargo bank building, which the Village now owns, to develop some ideas for its future use. There is a bathroom on the West side of the building we would like to convert to two gender neutral public bathrooms with outside access, for use by patrons of La Entrada park. Portions of the building would be closed off for secure storage of Village records so that it would be more accessible to Village Staff than the current storage location. Walls could be added to provide meeting areas needed by various community organizations. There could be an office for the Corrales MainStreet Director and an open area for the Visitor Center. These are all very early thoughts since funding needs to be procured to complete the any remodeling.

Last night, state Senator Brenda McKenna and Representative Kathleen Cates held a town hall meeting in the council chambers to update residents on the 2024 legislative session. If you missed it and would like to hear what they had to say, you can access the video and handouts on the Village website

The pipeline for the wastewater expansion into the Priestly/Coroval neighborhood is on the schedule to start in May. Firmer dates will be available when we get the contractor’s time line. No roadwork is planned for the next few weeks, but designs and plans are being done.

Brighten your or someone else’s day on March 22ndby picking up your complimentary bunch of daffodils from the Corrales Kiwanis Club’s Daffodil Days booth. You can pick up your bunch between 2 and 5:30 PM from either the booth at the Corrales Grower’s Market lot, or from the booth at Sprouts at Corrales Road and Hwy 528. Donations are welcome, and all proceeds will benefit the Presbyterian Healthcare Robert Wertheim Hospice House.

Have you heard of Village in the Village? This non-profit organization is dedicated to fostering community and its mission centers on prioritizing our senior community’s well-being and works to help them age in place. They offer services such as transportation to and from health appointments, shopping and personal errands. Volunteers can also assist with light housekeeping, home maintenance, and provide companionship. If you are interested in supporting ViV, there are options for membership and volunteering opportunities. You can learn more about the group and how to support them by visiting their website.


This week was the 4-year mark for the first COVID cases in New Mexico.   While COVID is still a risk, we have come a long way.  We should remember all the families impacted by the loss of loved ones and those impacted with long COVID.  As of March 2, 2024, the United States had 1,183,143 COVID deaths. T New Mexico stopped publicly reporting COVID deaths in May of 2023 at 9,236.  We now have vaccines and treatment options.  Many people call with questions about who qualifies for treatment and what the available treatments are.  The National Institutes of Health is working very hard to get sciences and evidenced based treatment guidance out to Physicians and other practitioners.  With so much information on the internet and many sites that look official, if you have questions, you can use this link for the most up to date guidance:  Remember, a second vaccination with the 23/24 vaccine is available for anyone over 65.  Stay home if you are sick. 

If you are out walking on the levee or in the bosque, you may notice some green delineators.  These were put in to mark areas that are shaded fuel breaks.  A shaded fuel break is an area where the fuel load is lower and has less ladder fuels. Ladder fuels are fuels that can carry a fire burning in low-growing vegetation to taller vegetation. The shaded fuel break helps increase the likelihood of wildfire containment. This happens by keeping the fire close to the ground and decreases the speed or fire spread. These areas also make it safer for firefighters to fight a fire. Limiting fuels around your home can also help protect it from wildfire.  Visits Corrales Fire’s Wildfire Safety and Preparation for access to additional information to protect your home. You can reach the fire department at 505-898-7501 if you have questions on protecting your home.  


SATURDAY -  Bird feeder craft event for kids at the Corrales Library, 10 AM

SATURDAY - Celtic fiddler and cellist Alisdair Fraser and Natalie Haas will perform at 7:30 PM as part of the Music in Corrales schedule. This event is sold out, but you can get on a waiting list for tickets by arriving at the Old Church by 6:30 PM.

SATURDAY – Bosque clean up, meet at south end of Andrews Lane at the levee on 10 AM until 12 PM. Wear sturdy gloves.

SUNDAY – Corrales Historical Society Speaker Series presents “Oppenheimer, Back in Los Alamos, Perilous Times” by Los Alamos resident Nancy Bartlit at 2 PM at the Historic Old San Ysidro Church. This event is FREE.

WEDNESDAY – Story time at the library, 10 AM


March 22nd– Daffodil Days sponsored by Corrales Kiwanis Club. Daffodils will be available at the Grower’s Market and Sprouts from 2 – 5:30 PM. Donations welcome.

March 30th10 AM Corrales Kiwanis Club’s annual Easter Egg Hunt takes place in La Entrada Park for children ages 1 to 8 years old.

This has and will be an interesting set of days this week. Monday was Johnny Appleseed Day, Tuesday was Alfred Hitchcock Day, Friday the 15th is the Ides of March. Who could forget that, but best of all, in my opinion, is Saint Patrick’s Day, the 17th. Next council meeting is March 26, National Hug A Ghost Day. Figure that one out.

Obey the posted speed limit and look out for pedestrians, equestrians, and bicyclists. When walking in the Village, leash your dog and scoop the poop. Stay safe, enjoy our Village, and remember to buy local when you can.

Jim Fahey
