Old Church Road Closure starting 5-23-24 for three weeks

Old Church Road will be closed from just south of the Historic Old Church to just past the west cemetery entrance for installation of a fire protection line and waste water line. The work is schedule to start 5-23-2024 and take about 3 weeks to complete. Detour signs will be posted.

Reyna Aragon

Reyna Aragon
Finance Officer
Phone Number
505-897-0502 EXT 217

As Finance Officer for the Village of Corrales, Ms. Aragon is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the Village of Corrales’ financial operations.  This includes financial reporting, projecting, budgeting, and the appropriate utilization of the Village’s funds. 

Most of Ms. Aragon’s 20-year governmental career was spent in the legal field.  Prior to the Village, Ms. Aragon was employed with the District Attorney’s Office where she was District Office Manager and Chief Financial Officer.  She has a wide range of experience which includes the positions of Probate Judge in Valencia County to Human Resources and Finance. 

She is a proud mother of an Army Soldier and a 13-year-old son who keeps her busy.  Part of her heart is in Oklahoma with her 2-year-old granddaughter.