Mayor's Message for September 15th, 2023

Photo taken from Top of Meadowlark Road

On Thursday, 9/13/2023, AKA Defy Superstition Day or Positive Thinking Day, Steve Grollman (our Village engineer), Ron Curry, and I walked West Meadowlark. We decided on an approach to improve the road on either side of Meadowlark Road without negatively impacting any homeowner. There will be an asphalt trail, 5 feet in width, the length of West Meadowlark from Loma Larga to the top of the hill on the north side leaving many slopes undisturbed between the asphalt trail and private property. There will be concrete curbs to protect both sides of the asphalt road and help direct storm water flow down the road so none goes on private property nor disturbs individuals’ walls. Some additional work will be needed at the Loma Larga corner to allow the storm water out of the drain previously installed at the bottom of the hill. Sloping of the dirt will protect fencing and properties. Gabion walls (rock filled wire mesh) will be placed to control erosion and support the slope near the top of the hill. Mulch obtained from chipping the dead and down trees from the Bosque will be used to cover open areas to improve the appearance and protect the soil. The south side will have gravel covered by crusher fines from the road to the walls of properties on the that side. Our engineer was tasked with this approach and after he completes preliminary drawings there will be a town hall with the neighbors on West Meadowlark. All this work will be done on public property and will not directly impact any private property. This project along Meadowlark has had challenges over the last few years, but we hope this plan will allow for a positive conclusion.

Some concerns over speeding have arisen in recent months in our Village. To support the livability and vitality of residential and commercial areas some traffic calming techniques may become necessary. Those techniques may include lane narrowing through road striping, roadside features such as signage, or other features that use self-enforcing physical means to produce the desired effects. Traffic calming involves trade-offs to find a balance between the need to provide an efficient transportation network and maintaining a livable, safe environment for bicyclists, pedestrians, and equestrians. The challenge with traffic calming is selecting the appropriate measures and locations to reach that balance. The Federal Highway Administration has guidelines regarding these measures. The following is an excerpt from that manual:

Often in neighborhood traffic calming, meeting the desires of the neighborhood residents is a challenge. Some residents may want slower vehicle travel speeds through their neighborhood, but mobility desires can be at odds with that goal. A traffic calming measure seen as necessary by some may be seen as a nuisance by others. A successful program or process should include a mechanism by which residents and professional staff can identify a problem for which traffic calming may provide a solution.

An initial request to evaluate a problem that might require traffic calming should be initiated by the local government staff or an elected official. For a request from individual citizen, some level of support should be demonstrated by a formal mechanism through a petition that reflects a specified number of residents, property owners, or businesses directly impacted.

The administration of the Village of Corrales is working to develop just such a policy so we can be efficient and effective in dealing with such issues as they may arise and so we don’t tread on the rights of others who don’t think there is such an issue or problem. Just like in treating an illness or disease, it is necessary to collect information so the treatment, if it proves to be necessary, will be appropriate for the problem.


On Mon. 09/04 a hit-and-run was reported involving two fire hydrant barrier posts being knocked down in the parking lot of the Old San Ysidro Church. Please contact CPD at

505-891-7226 if you have any information concerning this incident.



COVID 23-24 Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines have been approved by the FDA and CDC.  The new formulation has been updated and is from Omicron variant XBB1.5.  The change in formulation is very much the same as the how the influenza vaccine is changed each year.   Currently, everyone 6 months and older who is previously up to date on vaccinations and not immunocompromised can receive one dose of vaccine as long as it has been 2 months since previous vaccination for COVID. Unvaccinated persons over the age of 5 only need one vaccine to be up to date.  Unvaccinated children under 5 will need 3 Pfizer or two Moderna vaccines.   Immunocompromised individuals may qualify for additional vaccinations throughout the year.   The vaccine has been made commercial, which means the federal government is no longer paying for vaccine for everyone.  This means Corrales Fire will not be able to provide vaccinations, but we are trying to partner with a commercial pharmacy to provide several drive thru clinics. Currently no formal arrangements have been made, but we will share the information here when that happens.   Participating pharmacies and medical offices should start receiving vaccine the week of September 18, 2023. A list of vaccination providers and scheduling is located at .  This is a new scheduling and registration system.  Many large retail chains have their own scheduling systems on their websites.  Most insurances will cover the complete cost of the vaccine, including Medicare and Medicaid.  Uninsured children can receive vaccines at New Mexico Department of Health Offices.  Uninsured adults will be able to access vaccines through a program called Bridge Access and program providers can be found at . Deputy Chief Lattin is still available to help you with questions and finding a vaccine appointment by calling 505-702-4182.

There are two new RSV vaccine available - RSVPreF3 (Arexvy) and RSVpreF (Abrysvo ) for adults 60 years and older.  Everyone should contact their healthcare provider and discuss if they recommend an RSV vaccination.   You can also visit the CDC website for more information on the RSV vaccines.


Tonight – New Mexico Wild Benefit Concert – A night of music and community benefitting NM Wilderness, Wildlife, and Water. 6:30 – 9:00 PM at Historic Old San Ysidro Church, Tickets are $10

Saturday – Meet the Pet Mayor candidates event, La Entrada Park 10 AM - Noon

Saturday – Music in Corrales presents Nosotros, latin music, at La Entrada Park 5 PM visit for ticket information

Sunday – Corrales Grower’s Market 9 AM - Noon

Sunday – Corrales Ditch Run – start time varies based on length of race. For more information, please visit

Sunday – Corrales Historical Society Speaker Series presents Robert Martines “Alabados, Alabanzas, Inditas & Corridos: The Enduring Hispanic Music of New Mexico” 2 PM at the Historic Old San Ysidro Church. Admission is FREE

Tuesday  - Chess Club at Corrales Library 6 PM

Wednesday – Story time at the Corrales Library 10 AM

Wednesday – Corrales Grower’s Market 9 AM

The Village will have a display of local Veteran’s photos in the lobby of the administration building in honor of Veteran’s day during the month of November. If you or a family member served in the armed forces, please bring a photo to the Village offices before October 27th to be included.

If you (or someone you know) would like to receive the weekly Mayor’s Message directly to your email inbox, please contact Village Clerk, Melanie Romero at mromero [at] (mromero[at]corrales-nm[dot]org) to be added to our distribution list.

Winter is coming. Autumn arrives next Saturday. There is really no accurate way to anticipate how cold or how wet it will be but be prepared. Remember to drive safely, watch out for your neighbors, and stay safe. Visit the Growers’ Market Sunday morning for good quality food as well as advice on how to grow your own. Also, remember, only you can prevent fires.

Jim Fahey
